What We Offer
KWY's Women’s Safety Contact Service supports Aboriginal women, children and mothers/female caregivers of Aboriginal children to be safe and well.
The program is designed to increase the safety of women and children by prioritising safety in terms of culture, building trust, addressing trauma, supporting healing, and connecting women and children to appropriate support services.
We work with women and children to provide risk assessments, safety plans, case mangement support, information and referrals to relevant services to address family, domestic and sexual violence, and safety concerns.
The Women’s Safety Contact Service is available to Aboriginal women and mothers of Aboriginal children who have fled a family, domestic and/or sexual violence relationship and/or do not wish to continue in the relationship.
Get Started
Referrals to the program can come from Government departments, Non-Government Organisations, family, community, self-referral and internally through KWY.​​
Click below to complete our online referral form.
Referrals to the program are through the Department of Correctional Services, by community or
services, and SAPOL
Internal KWY referrals from the My Journey Program - Port Augusta, for female partners of men
who have perpetrated family, domestic and/or sexual violence
Referrals through Family Safety Framework meetings - SAPOL lead response
Metropolitan Adelaide
Port Augusta